Aby's Story

Aby Baskette, a 58-year-old home stager from Joshua, TX, found her world turned upside down when she woke up feeling unsteady. Seeking solace in her daughter's room, she expressed fear that she might be having a stroke. Recognizing the urgency, her daughter quickly sprang into action, and they rushed to Harris Methodist Downtown hospital. What followed was a whirlwind of events, as Aby's condition rapidly deteriorated, leaving her with no recollection of the ensuing days.
After her admission to Baylor Scott & White Institute for Rehabilitation (BSWIR) - Fort Worth and the following Day Neuro Program, Aby embarked on a challenging road to recovery. Diagnosed with expressive aphasia (lack of ability to find words), dense right hemiparesis (muscle weakness) and a host of other obstacles, Aby faced immense physical and emotional hardships. “I couldn’t speak and had no use of my right side, she said. ‘’[My daughter] told me that ‘it was like the lights were on, but nobody was home’.” Through the dedication of her therapists and support of her family, Aby's resilience began to shine through.
Driven by her desire to regain mobility, speech and use of her right hand, Aby worked closely with her rehabilitation team at BSWIR - Fort Worth. The therapists provided her with valuable tools and strategies to overcome the difficulties she faced. Occupational therapy proved both painful and transformative, as Aby saw improvement in her right hand through treatments targeted at the activation of the right upper extremity as well as stretching exercises. Overcoming her initial apprehension, physical therapy helped Aby build confidence in walking by incorporating exercises focused on posture, balance, strength and endurance. Speech therapy focused on improving her word finding abilities and communication skills, incorporating treatments such as practicing making an appointment and ordering food.
Aby's four month journey reached significant milestones that marked her turning point towards recovery. Achieving independence in walking to the bathroom and engaging in meaningful conversations provided her with a renewed sense of hope. “Aphasia is very frustrating, so being able to have conversations has been huge,” she said. Aby's family played a crucial role in her rehabilitation, acting as pillars of support. They also attended appointments, learning how to aid her in her recovery journey.
Looking to the future, Aby eagerly anticipates regaining her ability to drive and hopes to continue her rehabilitation as an outpatient at BSWIR - Fort Worth. Describing her experience at the hospital, Aby warmly commends the caring and personable staff, from the nurses and aides during her inpatient stay to the receptionists, technicians and therapists in the Day Neuro Program. Each member of the rehabilitation team has played an instrumental role in guiding Aby towards regaining her independence and providing the tools she needs to reclaim her life.